Leadership Mindset for Life


A Leadership Mindset for Life

A Leadership Mindset For Life
Five Week Course + Support

Host:           Joe Britto & Ruth Morris
Start:           Wednesday February 24, 2021, 7pm – 9pm UTC*
Location:    Online
Inquiries:    info@innateleaders.com

Have a question? Drop is a line at info@innateleaders.com

Who is this course for?

See yourself and your life through a new lens. Direct your own growth while leading and inspiring those around you.

  • Does it feel like you’re just ‘going through the motions’?
  • Do you feel like you lack control of your life?
  • Does it feel like you’re destined for more but something keeps holding you back?
  • Are you not sure where to start?
  • Do you fear failure or question your abilities to conquer your dreams?
  • Have you been exploring personal development for a time and are looking for something more than a model, or a process?

You are not alone.

Don’t watch your life from the sidelines, take action today with Leadership for Life.

Innate Leaders Intro

For twelve years we’ve been consulting businesses and shifting executives mindsets with the six attributes.  What has become clear is that in order for real change to happen, it’s not enough for some of us to shift our mindsets, we all need to adopt a leadership mindset.  Which is why we created this accessible Leadership for Life program for you!

Innate Leaders method

We’ll use the six attributes of a leadership mindset to help you shift your thinking around blocks that prevent you achieving your goals. With a shift in mindset, you’ll be able to find a way to move forward. Because when mindsets shift, everything shifts.

What to expect

1-2-1 calls with Ruth Morris

We’ll begin with a complementary twenty minute coaching call to get a sense of where you’re at, and help you hone in on a challenge to bring to the workshops. We’ll also answer any questions you may have.

Week 1: Seeing your worldview

We don’t see the world as it is. Our worldview is made up of all our experiences to date. That means our way of seeing the world is an interpretation of the world, not the real world. This session draws on flexibility of mind and genuine curiosity, to explore how we assembled our worldview and how that worldview determines our mindset in life.

Week 2: Understanding your mindset

Now that we understand how worldview works, we draw on enterprise thinking to explore how our worldview impacts on our life: supporting and reinforcing the useful and not useful things we do.

Week 3: Shifting your mindset

We’ll work with you to apply another attribute: mindfulness. We use mindfulness to fully understand the mechanism that keeps unhelpful mindset patterns intact and begin the process of dismantling mindset patterns that don’t help us.

Week 4: Choosing your mindset

Mindsets form over time. And because they form, they can be changed. This session works to help you develop a mindset that helps you achieve the goals you want by finding a new way to see your challenges.

Week 5: Living differently

A shift in thinking is good. A shift in behaviour is better. In this session we look at the challenges of living the mindset shift that you’ve developed over the course of the program. We’ll encourage you to set a personal challenge to achieve over the coming months.

Find inspiration and accountability in our community. It’s easier together, with ‘Leadership for Life’ by Innate Leaders, you’re not alone! 

Over four monthly check-ins, we’ll revisit how you’re doing with reaching your goal and offer help and guidance as needed.

As the sessions progress, we’ll develop a virtual group to offer help and support as you live these ideas.

The details

  • Five weekly Zoom sessions
  • 7-9pm on Thursday UTC
  • The group will be limited to eight people and we’ll support each other via instagram
  • After the first five sessions, we’ll move to a monthly follow up to check in, help, and support as you implement your personal challenge

We encourage you to read The Six Attributes of a Leadership Mindset and use it as a workbook through the sessions.


Next program starts February 24.

$999.00Add to cart

Have a question? Drop is a line at info@innateleaders.com

Facing a people challenge?

Our approach starts with an interactive experience. We work with your teams to develop the six attributes of a leadership mindset that enables them to work together, model leadership, and come up with solutions themselves.

Facing a practical challenge?

Our consulting ignites a revolution. It grows the six attributes and operationalises leadership behaviours. Not only do your people have great ideas, they have the mindset to make those ideas succeed.

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