Welcome to MINDSET VI

The beginning of all

Today becoming a better leader isn’t about finding a solution “out there”. it’s much closer to home…

To grow as leaders WE REQUIRE courage and openness to embark on an inner journeY.

What we offer


Mindset VI Innovate Work creates the shift in mindset that allows people to embody a cutting edge innovation process to find new ways of growing your people and business.

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Help forward thinking organizations see and overcome diversity and equity issues that unintentionally become woven into the fabric your institution.


We help businesses refine their way of thinking about how they create sustainable change by shifting from consulting with people to creating change agents in the change process.

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Help businesses pivot existing strategies by helping people develop bold new strategic direction as they overcome the limits of their current ways of thinking.

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Help leadership teams rethink how they work together, overcome silo perspectives, and move beyond their own specific interests to work as a strong, cohesive, leadership team.

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We help business leaders embed a Mindset VI culture throughout their organization.

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We help individuals adopt pro-environmental behaviours, and allow leaders to create meaningful sustainability within your organization.

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We help you Improve your work, relationships, and overall life satisfaction by shifting the way you see yourself and your challenges.

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To live in a state of Mindset VI is to see what is really happening in front of us.

See Clearer

To live in a state of Mindset VI is to see what is really happening in front
of us, free from the stories we create.

Understand Better

Mindset VI allows us to understand our motivations and actions.

Connect Deeper

In a Mindset VI worldview, we see, connect, and make meaning of the events that affect ourselves, our teams, and our business.

Go Further

With a Mindset VI worldview we move beyond the limits of our own hopes and fears to be truly Visionary and Innovative/Inspiring.



By Changing the Way Their People Think Since *2010*

Based on Joe Britto’s The Six Attributes of a Leadership Mindset, Mindset VI is a state of mind where leaders leave their personal baggage at the door – baggage like ego, the need to be right, unfounded faith in others, a need for control, self-doubt, and blind confidence.

Living in the Mindset VI state means combining mindfulness, genuine curiosity, flexibility of mind, resilience, create leaders, and enterprise thinking to address situations with an openness to new ideas, and a willingness to explore the drawbacks of even our most cherished ideas.

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“If it’s important to an organisation that the leaders are authentic custodians of the organisation’s values, then Innate Leaders is invaluable. We didn’t need to learn how to be leaders; what we needed was to work with someone who could make the team the best leadership team it could be. Innate Leaders quickly gained our trust and we knew they understood what we needed and where we wanted to go. It felt like a risk, but sometimes you have to take risks to get something incredible.” 

Claire Crowley

Head of HR

It really works.

“We’ve worked with Innate Leaders for two years now, and it’s definitely been a collaborative approach. They really work to understand our business and support the needs within Modern Life & Devices at Microsoft. Through our partnership we developed a comprehensive work centred on the concept of a growth mindset. We not only understand what a growth mindset is, but we truly begin to live it through a series of challenges. These challenges reinforce the growth mindset concept and the associated behaviours, which we then apply to real world challenges we face in the org.”
Melissa Robbins
Melissa RobbinsSenior Business Manager, Windows & Device Marketing Group
“The flexibility Innate Leaders demonstrated helped the group gel as a team and work together to address the common issue of getting buy-in from staff on the transformation of our organizational structure in light of our future goals and objectives. The process was challenging for some but challenge doesn’t have to be negative. In the end the task got done and everyone was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.”
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
William S. S. Amoroso
William S. S. AmorosoDirector Administration Division
“We worked with Innate Leaders to explore the concept of mindset in our leadership team. The conversations we had before the sessions gave the consultants a good understanding of our culture and the issues we were facing and that in turn helped them connect the work to our real world challenges. We greatly appreciated Innate Leaders’ flexibility and responsiveness to our evolving needs and willingness to adapt their work both in meetings and during the planning stages. The work produced some of the best dialogue we’ve ever had as a leadership team.”
Tova White
Tova WhiteVP of HR
“Our problems were systematically tackled and everyone was heard. The group challenges were perfect! A life changing experience. Thank you.”
Shareen Attavar
Shareen AttavarSenior Manager
“What really impressed me about Innate Leaders is that despite being a framework it truly molded itself to what the leadership team required – and has relevance to personal as well as professional situations. The leadership mindset concepts are simple but powerful; and the consultant was very accomplished in enabling and challenging the team and we have lasting change as a result. The concepts resonated with me so much, I not only use them at work but also in my personal life – and am teaching them to my son.”
Amanda Campbell
Amanda CampbellCorporate Affairs and Sustainability Director

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